Are you a natural therapist?
Do you need a technique that is gentle on YOUR body and yet still effective for your clients?
Are you interested in a fun day with other practitioners learning and sharing ideas?
Do you need a technique that is gentle on YOUR body and yet still effective for your clients?
Are you interested in a fun day with other practitioners learning and sharing ideas?
1 Day Introduction to ISBT-Bowen Therapy
1 Day Intro to ISBT-Bowen Therapy (8 hours)
- introduces you to the uniquely Australian bodywork technique, Bowen Therapy
- is practical -- we focus on developing effective hand skills so you will feel confident applying basic sequences
- fantastic value at $210 - limit 6 students per class
This course is PERFECT for:
Massage therapists who suffer from RSI but love their work. Extend your career with ISBT-Bowen's minimalist approach to bodywork. Do away with repetitive and often invasive action. ISBT-Bowen is gentle and effective for both you and your clients.
Massage therapists who need CE points and value high integrity, no-nonsense quality courses. ISBT is committed to high teacher to student ratios so that you receive individual attention.
Massage therapists who want to study an internationally recognized modality. ISBT's foundation and advanced courses are taught to Physiotherapists, OTs and Naturopaths in England, Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Portugal, Brazil, China, Hong Kong and New Zealand
Massage therapists who suffer from RSI but love their work. Extend your career with ISBT-Bowen's minimalist approach to bodywork. Do away with repetitive and often invasive action. ISBT-Bowen is gentle and effective for both you and your clients.
Massage therapists who need CE points and value high integrity, no-nonsense quality courses. ISBT is committed to high teacher to student ratios so that you receive individual attention.
Massage therapists who want to study an internationally recognized modality. ISBT's foundation and advanced courses are taught to Physiotherapists, OTs and Naturopaths in England, Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Portugal, Brazil, China, Hong Kong and New Zealand
Course Dates - West Preston VIC
International School of Bowen Therapy (ISBT)
Directors Lisa Black & Col Murray have a combined 34 years in Bowen Therapy. Initially they trained under Oswald Rentsch who had observed Tom Bowen and developed an interpretation of the work. After working with the technique, doing further research, workshopping extensively with 5 other therapists who worked with Tom Bowen, ISBT-Bowen was born.
The course is now taught and recognised in Australia, England, New Zealand, Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Portugal, Brazil, China and Hong Kong.
Places VERY limited. Secure yours now!
The course is now taught and recognised in Australia, England, New Zealand, Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Portugal, Brazil, China and Hong Kong.
Places VERY limited. Secure yours now!
In this 1 Day Course YOU WILL....
- 1 Learn a little about Tom Bowen, the therapist who inspired this uniquely Australian therapy and the International School of Bowen Therapy (ISBT) who have developed a high quality, no-nonsense approach to passing on his work.
- 2 Gain practical hand skills so that you will feel confident using basic ISBT-Bowen with your clients IMMEDIATELY.
- 3 Discover what makes a "Bowen move" unique and practice applying moves correctly
- 4 Receive instruction on the basic ISBT-Bowen sequences to relieve back pain, shoulder tension, and headaches. Not only will you have the opportunity to watch Barbara demonstrate, but you will also receive a detailed manual.