1. Hold up a moment, I need to take this call… is something you can STOP saying to your friends and family quite so often when you have an online booking system because you DON’T have to be glued to your phone, stressing out because you can’t afford to miss an opportunity to book in a new client! When you have an online booking system, new and returning clients CAN look at your availability and book their own appointments. 2. Whoo hoo, I’ve been paid! is something you can smile about when your online booking system notifies you that a client has PAID for their appointment. My booking system integrates with PayPal and sends me a notification by text message when a client pays online. It’s so fun to see, and always gives me a little boost. I feel the most awesome when I see that a client’s made their payment EARLY, maybe the day or hour before their actual appointment. AND they win too, because I don’t have to spend any valuable appointment time collecting money. 3. I don’t know if I’m available… is something you don’t need to say to ANYONE in your life because you can open up your calendar on your phone and figure it out with a glance I love this feature. It means that no matter where I am, as long as I have my phone I can see my future bookings. AND I can add bookings on the go if someone rings me. AND I can change bookings. AND I can block time off so I can say YES to invitations - like lunch, and movies, and coffee and bike riding so I am always creating the life/work balance I value. 4. Get out or I’ll call the police… isn’t a phrase you’ll need because you can use your online booking to screen out creepy clients and keep them far away from your home based practice. If you’d like more tips on being SAFE in your home based biz so you can confidently promote your business, just reach out and let me know and I’ll hook you up with my FREE Checklist: 13 Savvy Steps to Safely Invite New Clients into your Home. 5. I’m sleeping late and waking up slowly with a cup of coffee… could actually be a real thing in your life. Sometimes it’s a real thing in mine! It’s so much more fun than leaping out of bed every morning and typing in messages to each client individually. In my opinion, one of the most amazing things about an online booking system is the automated reminder feature. I pay a little extra and send text reminders as well as email reminders. When I started this system over 4 years ago, the number ‘no shows’ plummeted dramatically. In fact, I haven’t had one for at least 3 months. Sure I could get up and text everyone myself, but I’d rather drink coffee or support my own health with a regular yoga practice. Plus, if you have kids, life always gets in the way and it’s so easy to miss the window of opportunity to send out those reminders manually. I LOVE that I don’t spend any time dealing with feeling guilty if I miss that window… because my system does it for me!! I am really not trying to sell you any particular online booking system, I’m just sharing how having one helps me ROCK my home based massage biz. I’m Barbara Swiatkiwsky. Therapist. Change Maker. Home Biz Expert. I help you transform your professional skills into a thriving home based practice. Imagine loyal returning clients, dependable income AND TIME to do all the other things you value. I’ve been running my own home based massage biz for almost 20 years now AND you guessed it, I’ve made ALL kinds of mistakes along the way. I love sharing what I’ve learned, in bite sized chunks, so you can save time and money and heartache as you build a business that you’ll love for years to come. |